Manor MAT are extremely proud to share that during the month of June that our very own Miss Beardsley won Apprentice of the month for June 2024. Her role since September 2023 as Digital Marketing Apprentice within the Digital Services Team at Manor MAT has flourished. Her skills, creativity and ability to work so naturally with the children whilst recording, taking photos or audio has been invaluable. The award is well deserved and she has worked exceptionally hard with her various projects during this time and produced amazing coursework for her apprenticeship. Well done Evie, many congratulations!
Written by: TDM
Our Apprentice of the Month Award is an opportunity for the spotlight to shine on one of our current apprentices who has worked hard, accomplished, applied themselves or has achieved something fantastic whilst on programme. This is an opportunity to celebrate apprenticeships and their value, not only for the learner but also for the employer and the business they work within. In order to be awarded Apprentice of the Month, learners can be nominated by their TDM coach, other TDM members of staff who have come into contact with the apprentice and also from their mentor, employer or colleagues they work along side.
Our Apprentice of the Month for June is Evie Beardsley from Manor Multi-Academy Trust.
Apprentice of the Month - June 2024
Evie was nominated by her coach Jenny who has highlighted her dedication and commitment since starting her Apprenticeship.
Jenny shares 'Every session I hear great feedback as to the impact Evie is having in her role. She has now passed all knowledge module exams and has created fantastic portfolio pages along the way, managing her time effectively to ensure objectives are met. It is a pleasure to hear how well she is doing.'
Congratulations Evie! thedevelopmentmanager.co.uk/post/apprentice-of-the-month-june-2024