Safeguarding in our schools is central to everything we do and and everyone's responsibility. Please read and use documents in our safeguarding library below to support you in developing your knowledge, skills and understanding. The Manor MAT Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy is available on the policies page here
Our Directors have appointed a Safeguarding Advocate to monitor the effectiveness of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy in conjunction with the full board of Directors. Our Safeguarding Advocate is Mike Wilkes. The Safeguarding Advocate will:
Work with schools to build effective relationships and support the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) via the Safeguarding Network and conversations with executive leaders
Understand the Trust’s safeguarding strengths and areas for development
Understand how the culture of safeguarding is working within the schools
Understand how safeguarding is into built into the school curriculum and how pupils are taught about staying safe (including online safety)
Contribute what they know about broader safeguarding issues in the local area to ensure Manor MAT’s intelligence is robust with regard to identifying safeguarding priorities and prevention
Provide strong, local voice in support, challenge and guidance given to Directors
Be consulted re: annual child protection and safeguarding policy review (i.e. Keeping Children Safe in Education updates)
Attend at least one Safeguarding Network meeting per year (receive minutes for all meetings)
Strategic overview of safeguarding aspects sought from across the Trust – headlines and recommendations shared with Trust leaders and Directors